Weeks 31-33 Cleveland

Cleveland was so fun! The hotel was huge and amazing! The Cleveland theatre posted giant pictures of all the kids on tour. It was really cool and I was very happy to see myself on a door.

Cleveland was also where my mom’s birthday was. We had a lot of fun. We also had a ton of parties the first week. An artist came to our opening party and he drew our faces. I did my bass face and it looked really cool.

Another cool thing that happened was that we got to eat dinner with my dad’s friends and his family.

Brandi, who is one of our amazing crew members, was so nice that she took time out of her busy schedule and spray painted my bass case so it says School Of Rock on it. I am very grateful and it looks really cool.

In Cleveland, there were many times where the swings went on. It was very fun performing with different people every day. In Cleveland, the call board had posted the information on traveling home. This city was really fun and I will definitely have to come back again.